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Surrender Your Mind to Your Heart

Surrender Your Mind to Your Heart

Feeding Body, Soul & Spirit is A Lifestyle Since we live in a body, have a soul and are a spirit, consider feeding all of your parts.  The overall suggestion for the month of December is: ❤️ Be in Your Heart.  The overabundance of information flooding into our...
Enter the Mind of Christ

Enter the Mind of Christ

Is your mind working for you or against you? The mind is like a computer. There’s an initial learning curve to understanding how it works, but soon it’s working for you. Like a computer, the mind is a storage place. From the day we are born, our mind is storing...
Why Music Makes You Feel Good

Why Music Makes You Feel Good

Sing to the Lord a new song for He has done marvelous things. Psalm 98:1   What’s your favorite song?  Doesn’t it make you happy just thinking about it? ☺️ Music moves people. How? Because sound is vibration, frequency and a wave. It’s an energy that moves...
You’re Never Alone

You’re Never Alone

Do you need time alone? Or does it make you feel lonely?  Those of us who have been through divorce know the power of both.  I used to hate, and I mean loathe, when my son would leave to go to his father’s for the week and I was left alone.  Can you relate? This...
Spiritual Meditation for Stressful Times

Spiritual Meditation for Stressful Times

Do you believe you can be strengthened by light and love from God’s mighty power in your inner being? My belief is constantly renewed by the energizing experience of merging heart-to-heart with The Source and Creator of all life. God calls to us from the center of our...
Turn Back to the Lord

Turn Back to the Lord

Examining and testing can be exhausting! Amen? Are you examining and testing ways to adapt to this “new normal?” Is your mind relentlessly thinking? Are your emotions constantly changing? Do you find yourself wishing and wanting something different? If you answered...
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