Biblical Affirmations and Contemplations
Listening to (or saying out loud) positive life affirming messages can create new positive thoughts leading to better feelings, behaviors and habits. We can rise above our limited and habitual ways of thinking. Use these messages to renew your mind and establish higher, truer and more conscious ways of thinking.
Affirmations can be used to re-wire the brain creating new patterns of positive, life affirming thoughts. Thoughts can lead to emotions and actions. Renew your mind with the thoughts of God.

Affirmations: Volume 1
Affirmations help us to heal our soul by changing our old and habitual thoughts to newer, higher, truthful thoughts. Thoughts create feelings and both lead to actions. To change your life, change the way you think. Repeat out loud or listen to renew your mind into the thoughts of God.Tracks
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Morning Affirmation
Mid-day Affirmation
Evening Affirmation
I Want and I Declare Affirmation
Thank You and I Receive Affirmation
Self-Empowering Affirmation
Forgiveness Affirmation
Biblical contemplation is the art of taking in God’s Word and resting in spiritual truths. Listen to powerful life affirming messages of restoration, love, patience, light, Jesus, self-control , etc. set to YahLight soundscapes music to make dwelling in the Word of God a new and enjoyable experience. Stay focused on the thoughts of God to bring you a peace beyond understanding.

Walk In The Light
Walk in the Light 5-minute scriptural contemplations include over 100 Bible verses on renewal and restoration set to YahLight music. Increase your understanding of who God is and who we are, made in His image. Recover, renew and restore a new perspective as you listen to scripture set to music. Tonyah created YahLight scriptural contemplations to be used as a part of YahLight’s daily meditation and prayer practices for those who are interested in a spiritual awakening.Tracks
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The Lord’s Prayer
Jesus Said
Children of God
We Are God’s Image
I Am
The Holy Spirit Is
Jesus Is
God Is