Ignite the Light Within
Christ-centered meditation and prayer
Be consciously connected to God
Befriend your soul
Become empowered and free
New Book
How To Meditate With Jesus
By Tonyah Dee
How can we become our best selves and live peaceful lives if we don’t know who we are? Self-awareness is the beginning of wisdom. Christ-centered meditation and prayer is self-discovery and an awakening of the light of Christ in our hearts.
How to Meditate With Jesus is an inspirational workbook that teaches readers how to understand and befriend their souls, surrender, and connect with a higher power.
Tonyah Dee is a registered dietitian, Christ-centered life coach, and master meditation teacher, making her perspective deep yet broad. She teaches evidence based lifestyle tips integrated with spiritual practices, believing it is important to feed body, soul and spirit. She calls herself a "spiritual scientist" and loves sharing tools to increase inner peace and spiritual power to help people reach their potential.
Join our Free Meditation and Prayer Challenge!
Join me 10 minutes a day on this 10 day inner journey to the heart where God dwells waiting to heal, purify, cleanse and transform.
I love everything about the daily practice and your songs are angelic! I am effectively accruing peace and grace. The meditation and prayer practice, with singing to such beautiful music, is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. I’m finding it easier to hear the soft quiet voice of the Lord speak to me from within. I look forward to sitting in that space every day; it’s my new favorite time of the day!
Tonyah’s music is a wonderful and useful collection of music, scripture and songs. I enjoy listening not only when I desire to reach a restful state, but also when exercising, driving, or just as background music at home.
I find that the prayerful words and repetitions of these words puts me in a very peaceful and spiritual state. By focusing on the sounds and words, I can more easily engage in a period of deeper reflection, prayer, and meditation. Without a doubt, YahLight assists me in achieving my goal of reaching more inner peace and joy.
Serenity …. Serenity … this album brings me so much peace and joy!!!! Every Holy Yoga teacher will be blessed by Tonyah’s music. The songs are soothing, calming, and inspiring. The peaceful songs quiet the mind and draw our spirits closer to God.
I use these beautiful songs to open my yoga class during our beginning meditation. The songs prepare my students to practice. The music helps to deepen the breath, leave worries behind, and to focus on the present– creating space for the Holy Spirit. I also use Tonyah’s songs during surrender, toward the end of class, for our final meditation. The songs are simple and soft. The lyrics create a glow of good feelings which my students can take out into the world.
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What Are the Benefits of Christ-Centered Meditation When Going Through a Divorce?
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