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Serenity Toolkit


If you desire more inner peace and are willing to try new strategies to manage fear, even in times of stress, these resources will help you decrease your anxiety and find more inner strength.



If you desire more inner peace and are willing to try new strategies to manage fear, even in times of stress, these resources will help you decrease your anxiety and find more inner strength.

This is what you’ll receive:

One 5-minute & one 10-minute guided meditation and prayer practice

Practice for 5-minutes (One Day at a Time) until you’re ready to spend a little more time going within, then try 10-minutes (Peace). Stillness of the body, brings rest to the mind. You will be guided to your inner core where peace is found.

One 5-minute devotional song, Serenity.

This song is The Serenity Prayer set to contemporary, upbeat and rhythmic music. Singing words of strength and surrender puts your mind at ease and opens your heart to new possibilities. Music and singing have been proven to reduce stress, and to promote wellness.

PDF guide: 3 coping strategies to find serenity

Strategies for handling change and stress need to change too. Especially if old strategies no longer work. When the outer world is full of uncertainty and threats, it’s time to go inward for solutions.

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