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From the beginning of time, the Light of Christ is everywhere in all creation. It is the instrument of God’s power. You receive the Light of Christ at birth as part of your human spirit. God is in you. 

Christ is always leading you towards more light. It drives you to believe, accept, and receive Jesus, the man. When you do this, you receive a connection with the Holy Spirit who shows up in your heart as the central power of absolute newness and healing in you and all your relationships.

This desire leads you to want to change, and seek more of the wonderful light of God. When you humble yourself with faith and ask for Jesus to come into your heart and life, you repent, turn, and go in a new direction.

The power that is delivered when the Holy Spirit is received keeps you established on a new path towards more light and transformation. 

The light of God, the light of Christ, the light of The Holy Spirit; YahLight, is beyond human comprehension but we can experience this power during our short time here on Earth and then into eternal life.  

“There is only Christ. He is everything and he is in everything.” Colossians 3:11

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