Feeding Body, Soul & Spirit is A Lifestyle
Since we live in a body, have a soul and are a spirit, consider feeding all of your parts.
The overall suggestion for the month of December is: ❤️ Be in Your Heart.
The overabundance of information flooding into our minds can cause a build-up of emotional distress, leaving us craving and desiring a radical change.
Unfortunately, this constant tornado of input has left me exhausted, how about you? I want to make changes but I’m going to need to recharge.
Did you know the heart emits an electromagnetic field that is 5000 times stronger than the field of the mind? I’ve used this strategy before and it works.
Surrender the mind to the heart.
The Bible says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30
His Spirit is in my heart. I raise my white flag and surrender.
I seek His Spirit, light, and energy in my heart which brings peace, love, consciousness, awareness, and wisdom. These ‘energies’ have the power to transform the mind. New possibilities become clear and attainable. The heart is the center of spirituality, creativity and new life.
It’s a good time to consider how to end this year and what will be the lifestyle you visualize living in 2021.
I’m renewing my commitment to living a lifestyle “On The Narrow Path,” “The Middle Way,” “The Inside Edge,” a lifestyle also known as, “Not of the world but in the world.”
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction… but narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14
What does lifestyle have to do with the heart?
A lifestyle that allows the necessary time to return routinely to my heart has healed me from anxiety, substance overuse and confusion.
As a child I naturally lived this lifestyle: playing, daydreaming and spending time alone. But, over the years as my heart was broken from betrayal, disappointment, abandonment and other coming of age scenarios, I became stuck in my soul, also known as my “ego.”
When my soul takes over and leaves my heart out, that’s what insanity feels like to me. My mind releases a thought which causes a feeling and then there’s a reaction. Around and around I go, a tornado of swirling information, attempting to integrate the tornado of life’s swirling information. The phenomenon is called the Fujiwhara effect. Two tornadoes colliding.
On the outside I look like I’m keeping it together, especially when I live the way most of the world lives today. Deny, repress, numb and act like it’s all good. I got this, but I don’t really, and my spirit knows it.
I Choose A Lifestyle of Spirit Power in the Heart
The lifestyle I choose for 2021 is contemplative, balanced and centered in my heart. I meditate, pray, sing, write and read books that speak truth. I am quiet and spend time in nature. I feed my body, soul and spirit. I enter the material world renewed and energized. I have the energy necessary for self-control and can choose the amounts and quality of information I allow into my mind. I’m active, not passive, engaged with people and issues that matter to the world.
Who are you? What do you believe? What is your lifestyle? Answering these questions can determine the type of year that you will experience in 2021. I invite you to answer them from your heart. Go to the center of your being and spend time there in contemplation with the wisdom given to you. Then, visualize what comes to you and then, initiate changes. Change begins with you and in you. Your heart can change the world.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28-29
Live a lifestyle of Spirit Power in your heart. Come home and rest in your heart to receive a new life.

Tonyah Dee has studied the Bible and wisdom traditions of the world for the last 30 years and teaches about finding ways to increase inner strength, stability, and confidence through practicing spiritual disciplines and healthy habits daily. Tonyah is a nutritionist, registered dietitian (R.D.), and earned her B.S. from Loma Linda University. She also holds certifications in Christ-centered life coaching, equine therapy, and meditation. Tonyah has been published in Scary Mommy, MSN, The Mighty, Mantra Wellness, CoveyClub, Thrive Global. Follow Tonyah on her blog, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Medium.