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Mindful Parenting During and After Treatment

Mindful Parenting During and After Treatment

Active addiction can rob us of everything that we hold precious. This includes precious relationships like the ones we have with our children. In recovery, we have an opportunity to turn that all around. We get to recover and repair these strained relationships,...
Acknowledging Achievements and Setting New Goals

Acknowledging Achievements and Setting New Goals

There is a saying often heard in recovery circles that goes, “Move a muscle, change a thought.” This is emblematic of how recovery should always involve a plan of action. Recovery must be mission-driven, including acknowledging achievements and setting new goals....
Nurturing Positive Relationships in Recovery

Nurturing Positive Relationships in Recovery

Roughly 90 years ago, two men came together to found the first 12-Step recovery program. These men were Bill Wilson and Robert Holbrook Smith (more commonly referred to as Bill W. and Dr. Bob), and the program they founded was Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). They founded...
Prioritizing Self-Care and Ongoing Wellness

Prioritizing Self-Care and Ongoing Wellness

Because “wellness” has become such a “buzzword” of late, what does prioritizing self-care and maintaining wellness now mean? Is it physical wellness? Does it have something to do with the status of our mental health? Is it solely about spirituality? Of course, the...
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