Having an Open Mind to Spirituality
Recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring mental health issues takes time, patience, and a willingness to have an open mind. People often feel empowered and uplifted when they are open to new ideas and perspectives. According to Substance Use...
Christ-centered Meditation Can Improve Your Life After Divorce. Here’s How.
As with any other skill, like riding a bicycle, ice skating, or cooking, the more we practice, the better we get. The same is true of meditation. The more we meditate, the less time it will take for us to reach and merge with God. And the less time it will take to...
How Do Our Body, Soul, and Spirit Interact During Christ-centered Meditation?
We know we have a body because we can see it. However, unlike the body, we cannot see our soul because it’s immaterial. Still, we know it’s there because we can experience it. God gives everyone a unique soul at birth, which includes our mind, emotions, and our...
4 Helpful Christ-Centered Meditations for Divorce
If you’re discovering that your current meditation practice is falling short of your expectations like so many people who go through a divorce, there’s, fortunately, something you can do. And that’s to add Christ into your daily meditation to create a...
How Do Christ-centered Guided Meditation and Secular Meditation Differ?
Even if you haven’t been letting Christ into your life lately or never have before, there’s no right time to start. Now’s as good a time as any. And a Christ-centered meditation practice can be the perfect way to extend him an invitation. So what does a...