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The Critical Connection to a Higher Power

At Yahlight, we recognize the significance of connecting to your higher power. When you stay consciously connected with your higher power, you can enhance your life in many ways. Your higher power can help you become self-aware, increase your ability to have self-love, and open doors to many other beneficial opportunities, like good health and prosperity.

Significance of Connecting With Your Higher Power

In Tonyah Dee’s book “How to Meditate With Jesus,” you can learn eight steps, each representing a technique, for increasing inner power. At Yahlight, we believe there is great significance in knowing how to find inner and outer power, so that you can go from any feelings of powerlessness to being empowered. This book teaches you the skill of meditation and prayer, where you learn to connect to your higher power in a deeper way so that you can have a spiritual awakening. Intimately knowing your higher power can help you to care for your soul and increase self-love. Creating a daily and lasting relationship with your higher power can help you heal your mind, body, and soul, give you the power to overcome your challenges, and will enhance your daily life.

A journal article, “The Relationship Between Spirituality, Health-Related Behavior, and Psychological Well-Being,” published in Frontiers in Psychology, discussed studies that reviewed the benefits of spirituality for overall well-being. The journal discussed multiple studies testing the relationship between spirituality and psychological well-being. This source found that spirituality was directly related to increased psychological well-being. The findings support that connecting to your higher power will benefit your mind, body, and soul.

8 Steps and Daily Spiritual Practices

At Yahlight, we believe practicing the eight steps below can help you learn how to begin meditating with Jesus, who is a higher power, and as a teacher he taught how to find God, who is the highest power. Tonyah Dee explains in detail the eight steps of how to meditate and pray in her book, “How to Meditate With Jesus.” These steps are as follows:

  • Daily practice
  • Body
  • Breath
  • Word
  • Spirit
  • Heart
  • Soul
  • Prayer

In these eight steps, you will learn how to quickly and easily develop a daily spiritual practice. Intimacy and relationship with a higher power requires consistent interaction. By creating a routine practice you will notice an inner transformation, as you become more familiar with the weaker and stronger aspects of your soul. You will have the opportunity to find peace and feel empowered and safe as you build a relationship between your soul and your higher power. The first step is to create a space where you can be alone and be as honest as you can in order to intimately meet with your higher power. The rest of the steps continue to draw you closer, until the final step, where you are talking and sharing your truth so your higher power knows what you need.

Learning how to connect to your higher power may feel intimidating at first. Remind yourself in these moments of resistance that establishing a deeper relationship with your soul and becoming friends with your higher power has the potential to significantly enhance your life. This is a connection that gets more and more loving over time and there’s nothing to be fearful of. You can expect to find peace and happiness and to feel empowered once you begin to connect to your higher power, and we at Yahlight can help support you in your journey.

Using Tonyah Dee’s book to assist you in befriending your soul and connecting to your higher power can be a very beneficial step to increasing your freedom and joy. Tonyah uses proven scientific methods blended with spiritual concepts to make the journey intellectually interesting and experientially deep. For example, in step four, the word, you can select a Yahlight devotional chant, or a scriptural contemplation which uses the power of sound and words to renew and change your thoughts, which can change your behaviors. You can find our offerings on our Christ-Centered Devotional Chant & Music page.

Higher Power Aspects for an Enhanced Life

A journal article, “Integrating spirituality into patient care: An essential element of the modern healthcare system,” published in the journal Indian Heart Journal, discussed the impact of spirituality on daily life and overall health. This source explains that spiritual individuals live in the present, which allows them to enjoy life. The journal article also went into detail about some specific benefits of spiritually healthy individuals by stating the following:

Empirical evidence is also available to indicate a direct relation between spirituality and positive health outcomes. Positive values, attitudes, belief and strength that one acquires through spiritual practices contribute to health and happiness. Spiritual practices have a positive correlation with survival, low blood pressure, fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression, less severe medical illness, better quality of life etc. As researchers clearly suggest that spiritual practices enhance the level of self-confidence, assertiveness and such other qualities which help accelerate the process of recovery from illness and surgery in general.

This information supports the idea that spirituality and a connection to your higher power can be healing and enhance your daily life in many ways you may not expect. Your higher power can guide you through life’s obstacles and will also cheer you on through your achievements. Your relationship with your higher power will be a unique and special bond that will always be there for you. At Yahlight, we can help you learn how to create that one-of-a-kind relationship with your higher power.

Starting a Conversation With Your Higher Power

There are different ways you can begin a conversation with your higher power. Referring to the eight steps in the book “How to Meditate With Jesus” by Tonyah Dee, it begins with a desire and a willingness to try to connect and commune with an unseen force that many know as a higher power. When you are ready to start a conversation with your higher power,  try to remember this task is not supposed to be intimidating. Your higher power is there to listen, learn about who you are, and love you. You can begin connecting to your higher power with prayer and becoming still, or meditation. Please visit our Christ-Centered Meditation and Prayer page to begin your journey. You can expect to learn more in Tonyah Dee’s book “Higher Power Living” coming soon.

At Yahligh, we can help you connect to your higher power to enhance your daily life. Please reach out for more information and to work with me today.


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