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Bring Christ-centered Devotional Chant to your Event

I’m hoping to be considered as a new artist during your event, Ecstatic Chant 2022. I’ve been many times to Blue Spirit, often returning for Deva and Miten’s Gayatri Festival. I am friends with Deva, Sukdev and Michael Mayzel, who have all influenced my music. This one minute video is from a chanting event located in my backyard in Orange County California.

How is Christ centered Devotional Chant Music different?

Unlike mantra or chant in the language of Sanskrit or Gurmukhi, this style of chant is in English. My songs originate from biblical reference or a combination of eastern and western spirituality. Instead of chanting to a universal divinity, my chants specifically are songs to God or to Christ, which of course, is also a universal divinity with many names. The music behind the chant has more of a western feel; contemporary, inspirational and uplifting or it is melodic, introspective and prayerful. All of my chants are 5-minutes in length so as to be able to build a chant or meditation practice depending on the number of songs chosen.

What is Christ centered Devotional Chant?

Devotion to means to show adoration and love.  A Christ centered chant rejoices and expresses gratitude, compassion and peace in Christ who dwells within every human heart.  Christ centered chant is a way to sing praises and prayers to a loving God and can also call light into someone’s life. It uses sound current and a breath pattern to invoke the Spirit while calming the body and soul, thus bringing peace and harmony to the individual.

Samples of Christ-centered Devotional Chant music

My music can be found on I-tunes, Spotify, Amazon, Soundcoud, and my website. I have three albums and 27 chants, with one album of 8 chants ready to release. Normally when chanting, we sit in stillness with eyes closed, but as you can see, my music is also fun to dance to!

Yahwey Shalom

Shalom is the Peace of God which exceeds all understanding.

Wonderful Light

God’s light is eternal, let there be light,  and let your light shine before people. 


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…. The Serenity Prayer.


Means: Come Lord in me, Enlighten me, I pray to thee.

Long Time Son

Christ is known as the Son and Light of God. May the Son shine upon you and the pure light within you guide your way on. Spirit of Truth and Sat Nam is “truth is my identity.”

Happy Human

God created the human being; supernatural divine, human being, being human.


Means: God be praised, sing songs to God as long as we live.

I Create My Dream

Row row row your boat, gently, merrily, create your dream.

The Force

I am in the force, the force is in me, and a powerful ally it is, don’t underestimate the force.

Spirit of Might

Spirit of Might, Spirit of Life, Spirit of Christ, from dark to light.

Guru Jesus

Guru means teacher who takes us from darkness into the light. Jesus is known as the true light within.

Walk In The Light Album – to be released.

I am Free

Let it in, let it go, let it be, let it flow, I am free.

About Tonyah

Christ centered Devotional Chant creator

I went through a divorce and was experiencing tremendous anxiety. I discovered churches did not offer meditation as a way of healing so I began and finished a 10 year certification in Kundalini Yoga.  I fell in love with the chanting/mantra and meditation aspects of this practice and early one morning heard the voice of God tell me to make devotional chants in English. The songs came pouring out of me even not having had any formal music background. Besides chanting I teach a Christ centered meditation and prayer practice, and am publishing a book on how to do both.


“Tonyah’s music and meditations are better than going to church. It’s soothing and you can relax and take it in. It’s a super faith experience. It brightens my day. Tonyah is a real messenger and angel of God. I used her contemplations during my radiation and it got me through a tough time.”

Jack Behrens

“We’ve had Tonyah’s CD playing in the car on repeat for years! My kids and I enjoy singing along with every song on her album. Her music has brought so much joy to our lives and each song has such a positive message. I encourage anyone and everyone to listen to her music regularly to add peace and light to their everyday lives.”


“Tonyah’s music is truly inspiring and life changing! When I first listened to the music and repeated the chants in my mind, instantly, my anxiety was relieved.   I felt at peace, and started sleeping better at night.  Instead of focusing on negative self-talk, it’s a positive reinforcement of God’s love for me.  I was so encouraged by Tonyah’s music that I shared her music with other family members.”

Do you have any questions or would like to book us for your event?

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