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Beginning a Christ centered Meditation and Prayer practice

Christ centered meditation and prayer is the practice of taping into and merging with the ultimate power source: God who dwells within your heart.

5-Minute Christ centered Meditation and Prayer on Peace

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New Book

How To Meditate With Jesus

By Tonyah Dee

How can we become our best selves and live peaceful lives if we don’t know who we are? Self-awareness is the beginning of wisdom. Christ-centered meditation and prayer is self-discovery and an awakening of the light of Christ in our hearts.

How to Meditate With Jesus is an inspirational workbook that teaches readers how to understand and befriend their souls, surrender, and connect with a higher power.

Tonyah Dee is a registered dietitian, Christ-centered life coach, and master meditation teacher, making her perspective deep yet broad. She teaches evidence based lifestyle tips integrated with spiritual practices, believing it is important to feed body, soul and spirit. She calls herself a "spiritual scientist" and loves sharing tools to increase inner peace and spiritual power to help people reach their potential.  

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About Tonyah

Tonyah Dee is a registered dietitian, Christ-centered life coach, and master meditation teacher, making her perspective deep yet broad. She teaches evidence based lifestyle tips integrated with spiritual practices, believing it is important to feed body, soul and spirit. Tonyah creates devotional chant music, and scriptural contemplations to go with her Christ-centered meditation and prayer practice. She is the founder of Yahlight, a movement to ignite and empower the Light within. 

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