10-Day Meditation & Prayer Challenge

DAY 8: The Soul – (the self- the psyche)

The mind, The emotions, The will

We’re all given a unique soul at birth. Your soul is always working and changing. Thoughts, emotions and desires come and go. When you learn to surrender your soul to God’s Spirit you grow inside of you, more love, peace, kindness, patience, self-control, joy, gentleness, power, mercy, truth, wisdom, light and more!




Today you will need a Bible verse, a quote that you like, or a positive affirmation. You’ll be prompted to renew your mind with this thought. 
I enjoy using this verse, “You will keep in perfect peace all whose thoughts are fixed on you, all who trust in you!”
(Isaiah 26:3)

Your 10 minute meditation today is called, “The Soul.”

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